
About this mithqál calculator

If your official currency rate may be inaccurate or your currency is not available on the list, the CUSTOM rate allows you to input custom exchange rate relative to the US Dollar. Simply input what 1 USD is worth in your currency. For example, if one US dollar equates to 50 of your currency input 50 in the box. If one US dollar equates to 0.85 of your currency input 0.85.

.---- ----. .---- ----. .---- ----. .---- ----. .---- ----.

This calculator is made to convert between Bahá'í mithqáls of gold or silver and various world currencies.

Supporting ISO 4217 certified currencies leveraging real-time exchange rate APIs for both the metals and the currencies using the USD as the base currency. The live APIs insure up to date and accurate conversions.

The calculator's calculations is made based on the following guidance:

"The Guardian's secretary wrote on his behalf that 'one mithqal consists of nineteen nakhuds. The weight of twenty-four nakhuds equals four and three-fifths grammes. Calculations may be made on this basis.'" - The Universal House of Justice

Using the basis of one mithqal equating to 437/120 grams or 3.641666 repeating, the calculator uses a rounded up value of 3.641667 ensuring being accurate while also not coming short of the desired amount.

mithqál = 3.641667 g

Bahá'í Faith